Source code for samgis_core.prediction_api.sam_onnx_inference

from numpy import array as np_array, uint8, zeros, ndarray

from samgis_core import app_logger, MODEL_FOLDER
from samgis_core.prediction_api.sam_onnx2 import SegmentAnythingONNX2
from samgis_core.utilities.constants import MODEL_ENCODER_NAME, MODEL_DECODER_NAME
from samgis_core.utilities.type_hints import ListDict, PIL_Image, TupleNdarrayInt, EmbeddingPILDict

[docs] def get_raster_inference( img: PIL_Image | ndarray, prompt: ListDict, models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX2, model_name: str ) -> TupleNdarrayInt: """ Get inference output for a given image using a SegmentAnythingONNX model Args: img: input PIL Image prompt: list of prompt dict models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX instance model model_name: model name string Returns: raster prediction mask, prediction number """ np_img = np_array(img)"img type {type(np_img)}, prompt:{prompt}.") app_logger.debug(f"onnxruntime input shape/size (shape if PIL) {np_img.size}.") try: app_logger.debug(f"onnxruntime input shape (NUMPY) {np_img.shape}.") except Exception as e_shape: app_logger.error(f"e_shape:{e_shape}.")"instantiated model {model_name}, ENCODER {MODEL_ENCODER_NAME}, " f"DECODER {MODEL_DECODER_NAME} from {MODEL_FOLDER}: Creating embedding...") embedding = models_instance.encode(np_img) app_logger.debug(f"embedding created, running predict_masks with prompt {prompt}...") return get_raster_inference_using_existing_embedding(embedding, prompt, models_instance)
[docs] def get_inference_embedding( img: PIL_Image | ndarray, models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX2, model_name: str, embedding_key: str, embedding_dict: EmbeddingPILDict) -> EmbeddingPILDict: """add an embedding to the embedding dict if needed Args: img: input PIL Image models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX instance model model_name: model name string embedding_key: embedding id embedding_dict: embedding dict object Returns: raster dict """ if embedding_key in embedding_dict:"found embedding in dict...") if embedding_key not in embedding_dict: np_img = np_array(img)"prepare embedding using img type {type(np_img)}.") app_logger.debug(f"onnxruntime input shape/size (shape if PIL) {np_img.size}.") try: app_logger.debug(f"onnxruntime input shape (NUMPY) {np_img.shape}.") except Exception as e_shape: app_logger.error(f"e_shape:{e_shape}.")"instantiated model {model_name}, ENCODER {MODEL_ENCODER_NAME}, " f"DECODER {MODEL_DECODER_NAME} from {MODEL_FOLDER}: Creating embedding...") embedding = models_instance.encode(np_img) embedding_dict[embedding_key] = embedding return embedding_dict
[docs] def get_raster_inference_using_existing_embedding( embedding: dict, prompt: ListDict, models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX2) -> TupleNdarrayInt: """ Get inference output for a given image using a SegmentAnythingONNX model, using an existing embedding instead of a new ndarray or PIL image Args: embedding: dict prompt: list of prompt dict models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX instance model Returns: raster prediction mask, prediction number """"using existing embedding of type {type(embedding)}.") inference_out = models_instance.predict_masks(embedding, prompt) len_inference_out = len(inference_out[0, :, :, :])"Created {len_inference_out} prediction_masks," f"shape:{inference_out.shape}, dtype:{inference_out.dtype}.") mask = zeros((inference_out.shape[2], inference_out.shape[3]), dtype=uint8) for n, m in enumerate(inference_out[0, :, :, :]): app_logger.debug(f"{n}th of prediction_masks shape {inference_out.shape}" f" => mask shape:{mask.shape}, {mask.dtype}.") mask[m > 0.0] = 255 return mask, len_inference_out
[docs] def get_raster_inference_with_embedding_from_dict( img: PIL_Image | ndarray, prompt: ListDict, models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX2, model_name: str, embedding_key: str, embedding_dict: dict) -> TupleNdarrayInt: """ Get inference output using a SegmentAnythingONNX model, but get the image embedding from the given embedding dict instead of creating a new embedding. This function needs the img argument to update the embedding dict if necessary Args: img: input PIL Image prompt: list of prompt dict models_instance: SegmentAnythingONNX instance model model_name: model name string embedding_key: embedding id embedding_dict: embedding images dict Returns: raster prediction mask, prediction number """"handling embedding using key {embedding_key}.") embedding_dict = get_inference_embedding(img, models_instance, model_name, embedding_key, embedding_dict)"getting embedding with key {embedding_key} from dict...") embedding = embedding_dict[embedding_key] n_keys = len(embedding_dict)"embedding created ({n_keys} keys in embedding dict), running predict_masks with prompt {prompt}.") return get_raster_inference_using_existing_embedding(embedding, prompt, models_instance)